Thursday, December 28


My baby got a haircut. Jake was so good. But he had no idea what was happening while brother Brian buzzed away. When Jake looked in the mirror, he cried. He's now happy to look like Brian and all is well. My little man is hansome.

Saturday, December 23

Christmas Time

That's one of the last pictures of Jake in his long hair. He has a buzz cut now and I love it. He's starting to love it. He has about 72 cowlicks. Now he doesn't have to have his hair brushed. And Kasey dressed up for Nana's Christmas program. She's so beautiful. And Sarah just looks so perfect in the kitchen. I HAD to post that one. Merry Christmas!!!!

Wednesday, December 6


Back in Oct the kids shared a party. It was lots of fun. The other picture is at one of Kasey's soccer games. She's a speedy runner. And if someone falls she stops to see if they're ok. It's so sweet. The Lord shines in her.