Tuesday, October 31

Trick or Treat

That's just a random picture, having nothing to do with Halloween. But I like it. She's my grandma but we call her great. That's how she introduced herself to my oldest daughter, Allie when when she was born. As for Halloween, I don't know what to do. I live with Allie and haven't missed a Halloween with her yet. She's nine and going to be a styling army girl. Her trick or treat bag is an army camouflage purse. Kasey and Jake live over a half hour away. I've never spent a Halloween with them and even as I write this I know I should. Maybe I could bring them here. But Halloween starts at dusk and I cant get to their costumes. Pete will still be working. Kasey will be a cheerleader and Jake is spiderman. Remember their Moms that drove by their kids. Safety first. Here we walk with them. And here Halloween is on Halloween, in the dark. Not on Sunday during daylight. And Mom, my favorite costume was the American Indian. Rock on! Costume from home. You did so many of those. When I trick or treated I loved to go with Jason and Becky. Trying to hit the same house twice. I don't know why people got so mad at that. And separating our candy at the end. We could trade what we didn't like. Jason liked the weird stuff. Just like he likes apricot jelly. Who doesn't like grape? I'll write more about Halloween after it's over. Kristy

Monday, October 30

Halloween Eve

October 30 Hi all! I hope this doesnt become addicting. I'll keep it short tonight. Past my bedtime. My life is pretty interesting though. It'll make for a good read. I'll keep it PG rated. Kristy